Where do I begin?? Thursday night seems like forever ago!
First thing that happened, I forgot my phone (Thanks Mom! hahah). It ended up being alright, and we were at the bus stop an hour early to meet up with the other girls and make sure we were at the right stop. Six of us went to San Sebastian: Abby, Kara, Ariel, Hope, Taylor and myself of course :) The bus ride was like 6 hours long and we left at 12:30am Thursday/Friday so we arrived at like 6:30am on Friday. The bus driver was crazayyy! For any of you that have seen Harry Potter (which if you haven't, sucks), he was driving like the bus that changes sizes and everything. Just ridiculous driving, glad it was dark out so I couldn't see how close to the edge we were haha We stopped 3 times on the way to San Sebastian and since there was no bathroom on the bus, Ariel and I got off at the first stop to go, not bringing our purses since everyone else was there to watch it. BUT of course you had to pay to use it!! Luckily the girls in front of us didn't shut the door all the way so we could use it, BUT there was no toilet paper. Really wish I had that Charmin to-go roll with me, Mom!! Anyways we got back on the bus and finally made it to San Sebastian at 6:30 and we didn't really know what to do, but decided to just call our hostel to see if we could come check-in. He told us check-in until like 11 or 12, so we made our way to this little cafe/bar thing, and ordered some delicious coffees and pastries, but because it was so early, there was a bunch of drunk people there because they were just heading home from the bars.. Unfortunately we ran into drunk French people. Even more annoying than just regular drunk people haha After we sat there for like an hourish we decided to walk down a little and switched to another cafe. We somehow ended up getting free wi-fi there, so we were there for like another hour and a half, before we decided to just go to the hostel and see if we could at least store our bags there. We take the bus there and once we get off we ask at least 5 people if they knew where the street was and nobody really knew, so we guessed and we guessed correctly! :) We made it to the hostel, and had to wake the owner up yet again to let us in. For some reason he expected us to be 6 Italian boys based on the last name of the girl who booked it so he was very confused as to who we were. The owners name: Skip. Our nickname for him: Skidmark Skip. He apparently had some poo stain on the back of the jeans and we could not stop laughing about it (once we got into our rooms of course!!). Our rooms were ready so we got to go in and they were really nice, there was 2 people to a room- private rooms, bathrooms, keys. It was pretty legit, so we decided to nap for 2 hours since it's Spain and nothing is open until at least like 10 or 11.
After a much needed and perfect nap we got up and decided to go exploring! Bad news: it was raining. Good news: I had an umbrella. Bad news: 3 people didn't. After listening to Skidmark Skip that the beach was "only a half hour walk" we headed out when it was drizzling to walk to the beach. It started raining harder and we had most definitely walked for like 20 minutes and barely got down the hill by the hostel and that is not even close to the beach. Skip obviously is crazy. We stopped and bought umbrellas and ponchos (which we unfortunately didn't get to use our sweet ponchos), but then decided to just get lunch since we were starvinnnnnng. The place we ate at was good: Ham and cheese sandwich and a coke, delicious. We decided to say screw walking for God knows how long and hopped on the bus and made it to the beach in like 15 minutes on the bus. Since it was raining we went to the Aquarium (<-- Abby do you need help pronouncing this?? hahaha) which was only 8 Euros for students! It was really cool inside, it was more a museum/aquarium, but overall awesome! Minus some annoying little kid who must have been scared of the fish. If your kid is scared of fish why bring him to the aquarium? Annoying. The view from the Aquarium and outside it were amazing!! It was dark out, but at least it had stopped raining so we were able to snap a few decent photos!! (Of the background, not of us considering we took a 6-hour bus ride, 2 hour nap and drank coffee haha) Here's a picture of all of us around where the aquarium is:

We were at the Aquarium for awhile and then just walked around the streets of San Sebastian because it had stopped raining :)
After exploring we headed back to Skidmark's hostel to shower, order some 'za, get ready and drink before we went out (to save money of course!). Finally we make it out to the bars, or should I say bar since we never made it past on place. This bar was pretty crazy we met so many people and we were speaking tons of Spanglish considering they speak a different language there, but know usually Spanish or English (or both). We made plenty of friends, and then decided to head to the discoteca at like 3 with all our new amigos. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. We may or may not have been walking through a construction zone (a little to incoherent to notice), but all of the sudden I have a piece of glass in my toe!! I don't know how it happened or what, but I somehow got it out of my toe and then it started gushing blood. It's around 3ish in the morning, in San Sebastian, nothings open, I'm crying, being hysterical, there's drunk people, people I don't know well enough to be crying in front of, luckily one of the girls has some kleenex/tissue thing and is trying to stop the blood, BUT it's not working. Thank god we made friends earlier because he speaks the language there, spanish and english so he was saying how he knew where there was an emergency doctors office, so we headed that way. However considering we had no idea if we should trust him we were asking people along the way if we were headed to the right place, which we were, one lady told me I was lucky that we had such a nice guy to help us haha So we finally get to the doctors office, and they would only let me and this guy in. He does all the talking and they take me back into the room, and clean up my toe and do some stuff (?) Not really sure, it was a bit hazy, but in the end I was bandaged up, no stitches, and didn't have to pay! After I headed back to the hostel and just passed out..
Sooooo we wake up in the morning, and 4 of us have to go to another hostel because Skid doesn't have any openings for Saturday night. First thing we do: head to the new hostel with the address, name, phone number in hand. Seems like everything you'd need right? Wrong again. We get to where we think the place is and we ask a bunch of people if we are in the right spot and nobody has ever heard of this hostel before!! We call the number and get no answer. We didn't really know what to do, but one person suggested to go the tourist information center. We did and we ask them about this hostel, turns out that hostel isn't in their official hostel book so they can't help us. We ended up sitting on a bench outside the information center with all our bags while two girls run to McDonalds to use their wi-fi to make sure we have the right number. All of the sudden while we are sitting there, some lady comes up (talking in Spanish) and asks us if we need a hostel because some people that were staying there had trouble with the arrangements (or something like that, she was talking soo fast!). We tell her we have a hostel, but we're just having trouble getting a hold of them. We end up telling her the name of the hostel we're supposed to stay at and she's like "Oh yeah yeah, I've heard of that! I don't know where it is, but I have the number at my place (of the hostel we booked). Come look at my hostel. Come look. I have the number." Now this may not seem thaaat sketchy, but listen to how she looks. She's got this fake, possibly a wig black hair, sunglasses, and THEN she's got these peep-toed shoes on- except they don't fit her, like a couple toes fit in and then her one pinky toe is completely sticking out!! It was this nasty toe, not even inside the shoe, that pretty much just dragged when she walked hahaha It was gross!! Not sure what happened, but we ended up following this lady to her hostel where she proceeds to show us around, and then looks up this number of the hostel we booked and calls them. She does all the talking really really fast (shady) and then she gives us the number so we bolted out of there. We call the number, didn't tell them where we were, and he says okay I'll be there in a few. This guy literally pops out in 2 minutes, and tells us that his hostel is being painted so he started taking us to this new one. All of the sudden we realize he's talking us back to the crazy lady's hostel!!!! The hostel was dirty, there were creepy old guys, people smoking in the kitchen and it was all so shady. For some reason we paid her for the night and were like what the hell just happened?? All we knew was that we did not want to stay there, but we ended up leaving our bags there and headed to the beach.
But oh wait I wasn't allowed to go the beach because of my toe. So since I thought we would be beaching it all weekend, I didn't bring closed toed shoes so I had to buy a pair. Keep in mind I have no phone, and San Sebastian is really expensive. While the girls head to the beach I go on the hunt for shoes. In total I was gone for at least like 3 or 4 hours, don't know how it happened but I was. I went to a bunch of stores and finally found a decent pair for the cheapest I could find. Then I decide that to go to one of the 50 billion Farmacias around San Sebastian to have them change the bandage on my toe since I'm not really sure what kind of note is under it haha I walk into the first one and they speak a little English so I spoke Spanglish with them since I don't know many medical terms in Spanish, or many words in Spanish in general haha So I'm telling them what happened and I ask them to just help me change the bandage and what not. There's two girls, probably like 25ish and really don't know what they're doing. Once they take the bandage off they decide to tell me that they think I should go the doctor's office only a few blocks away because I might need stitches. So I start to freak out a bit because I had needles, blood, and doctor's offices, but I'm like okay I'll go. I get directions and don't really trust the girls so I stopped at like 3 Farmacias on the way just to make sure I was headed the right way. Do you know where I end up at? The same doctors office from the night before. Nobody spoke a word of English there so I explained to them my whole situation and they told me it'd be 10 Euros (don't know how I got away with not paying the night before, but hey whateve, 10 Euros to make sure I don't get an infection, I'll take it!). I wait there and finally go in and the lady was so nice (her name was Patricia btw), and she told me that the night before whatever the lady put on my toe was instead of stitches, pretty much liquid stitches. I was so relieved! She told me I had to put this stuff on twice a day and couldn't go swimming :( But she said I could go to the beach with my new shoes, so yayyyyy :) I finally make it to the beach and we decide to head up the mountain to get the most gorgeous view of San Sebastian. Totally worth the trip!!!! SOO beautiful! We were there for awhile and then ended up going back and getting ready for dinner and possibly a night out. We went back to Skip's hostel to shower there since toe-lady's bathroom was gross. Here's a picture of us at the top of the mountain!
Finally we're all ready and we go into town and search for a place to eat. We find a place that looks good, which it turned out to be :) After one of the girls wanted to go the bars, so me and Abby were like yeah we'll go with you since the other 3 really wanted to go back and sleep. Terrible idea. We literally walk around the corner and there's just so many guys, more like wolves, staring at us and making inappropriate gestures. We didn't go more than half a block before we said screw this and went and joined the other 3 girls. Oh and none of us stayed a toe-lady's hostel because we were too freaked out by all the weirdo guys staying there and whatnot. We all snuck into Skip's place and crashed there. I slept like a baby, and was safe!
In the morning we had to sneak out of Skip's so we didn't get charged, and managed to do that successfully :) All we did was run back to toe-lady's hostel change for the beach and then leave our bags there because she let us keep our stuff there till like 2:30. Oh and by the way, there was a key in our lock when we got there in the morning.... Shady shit. We bolted to McDonalds haah We missed America :( Used their wi-fi, ate, and then went to the beach. It was a little overcast, but I was determined to get color since everyone fried yesterday and I got no sun... Needless to say I was successful! Maybe a little too successful, but hey I was like a ghost I was so pale!! Now I'm a lobster hahah :) We were there for a few hours, me of course with my shoes on. Take a look at how ridiculous I look:
But hey I got color :) After the beach, we picked up our bags as fast as we could from the shady toe-lady and went to eat before we had to head to the bus. We ate at this pizzeria, which was soo good!!! I'm always in for some good pizza :) Last thing that happened before we left: We were all trying to catch the bus and were like just there in time so we were all piling on while trying to dig for money. Apparently one of the girls went to a bench kinda by the bus to look for change.. The bus left.. and all the sudden we're like oh shit!! It was okay though because the next bus came 5 minutes later and we all made it to our official bus back to Madrid. The bus ride was like 5 and a half- 6 hours, but went by kind of quick, we were just happy to all be alive after our hostel incident!!!
San Sebastian is such a beautiful place, and I'm so happy we all went! The weekend had every possible emotion you could think of, and we all had a great time. I'd go back in a second! As long as there was a legit hostel to stay at haha I mean I cut my toe on class, met six-toed Sally, got hounded by men, had a hostel hostile situation occur, forgot my phone, and I still love San Sebastian, so I'd say that qualifies as a good weekend :) Take a look at this picture I took! The pictures don't do this place justice!!
And here's a picture of me at the beach :)
PS- Sorry this was so long, but I'm glad you like me enough to read the whole thing!! haha love you guys :)
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